Tips On Tackling Social Distancing
Happy St. Patrick’s Day all! I feel like many of us are currently taking an inventory of our lives and really evaluating what’s most important and perhaps making note of things in our lives that do not have the same meaning as they once did. We are all anxiously awaiting what’s going to come of the COV-19 pandemic and how soon we will be able to get back to our regularly scheduled lives. As we all wait to learn more about how long this will have an impact on our lives, I thought I will take a moment to share some of my initial thoughts on how to make use of my time at home.

Keep A Routine
Social distancing does not have to mean self isolation. Don’t get me wrong, many of us may need this time to relax and chill from the chaos that is called life. But many find the inability to socialize does bring on anxiety, feelings of loneliness and other underlying mental illnesses. As a diagnosed bi-polar, it’s a disorder I have to work on daily. Keeping a routine is important to me or else I’m left to a wandering head… not a good thing. So how do I keep to a routine at this time when my city and those with whom I usually do business are essentially shut down for the time being? Get out of your pajamas. This means do what your normal days calls for with some tweaks. Get up, shower, eat, and get to work if you have the option to work remotely. This is not a vacation, if taken as such when it’s time to get back to our normal lives, that transition may be difficult if you’ve been on a long vacation. Going to the gym might not be an option right now but there’s an app for that. Download free workout apps, scroll your TV on-demand to find workout options, and of course there are many free workout videos on Youtube. Going out for a bit of fresh air helps tremendously. The hubby and I started going for long walks around the neighbourhood, at least 30 minutes each evening. I also love the idea of playing catch one on one at an area park if the weather permits.
Time To Connect
Keeping in touch with friends and family (to sometimes talk about topics asides from COV-19) is even more vital. Having a community to help deliver laughter, to share tips on how they are dealing does help. There are also ample ways to connect and get in touch with loved ones though you may not be able to physically see them at this time. Apps such as facetime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp (especially wonderful for those with family internationally, Google Duo, IMO, Viber and more are wonderful ways of keeping those that seem far at this time near. Do get creative.
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Green Dress (Sold Out), Other Colour Options HERE, HERE & HERE |White Heeled Sandals HERE |Clutch Is A Vintage Piece By Dolce And Gabbana

Get Organized
I have a basement filled with items I have been longing to go through. Some will be donated, some might find a home with my dear friends and some I plan to re-sell. There’s no better time than now! I am currently making a list of all the tasks I’ll like to tackle and plan to do them one at a time. It is of course important not to overwhelm yourself if you plan to do the same, keeping healthy and strong is of course key at this time. But write down what you’ll like to get done from de-cluttering, to doing that yard work, painting that wall, and patiently take them on one at a time.
Working On That Plan
Have you thought about starting a new business venture but don’t quite know how to go about it. Every great idea always starts with a plan no matter how unfinished or unscripted you think it might be. I am currently 3 years into being forced to leave a job that I did not always 100% love but had a natural gift for. I worked amongst a team of amazingly strong and driven ladies, we fed and pushed each other in a highly competitive field and I thoroughly enjoyed it. One day after being forcefully asked to use my digital platform to help build their business with no additional compensation, I knew it was time to leave. After leaving, I am still trying to figure out the clear pathway towards using my blog to properly and broadly influence in a way that is truly fulfilling to me both spiritually and financially. This time is as good a time as any. So if you are like me and feel a little unsure of your current path and are looking to make a change, why not start by writing it all down and mapping out a plan. Take notes of both long and short term goals of your wants and needs, hopes and dreams because it helps to see a reminder of a path you want.

Thanks for stopping by and please take best care of yourselves!
Hi I was wondering if you guys going to get this green dress because I wanted to buy it pleased if you let me know if it’s coming back